Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Double T (Block #12)

Good evening everyone!   I hope every one had a good day. I spent a good part of the days organizing and listing some fabric on my esty page to sell. If you are in the mood and want some decorator fabrics at very reasonable prices check out www.kindlscorner.etsy.com. I need to clean out and make some room in my stash of fabric. Also be sure if you want any of these blocks I've made please contact me with your name and address. 

This block is really fantastic in the sense that there are so many options of color placement and the way you turn the block to make different designs. The one I made I turn the 4 blocks so that opposites face the same way making a H in the middle. Even if you turn it one way you can get a tessellating design that really does something to fool the eyes. I just occurred to me to take pictures before I sewed the 4 units together. Next time I have a block that has several units I'll do that. On the pattern page link be sure to check out the last page and click on the people's names to see the block or quilt that they did.

The design in this fabric reminds me of  Japanese kimonos. 

Happy Sewing!

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