Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Glory Boxes (Block #21)

Sorry about that. I had taken a few days break from A Quilter's block. Sometimes it's just hard to do sewing during the weekends or on days when I have a lot of activities. At least during the week I have uninterrupted sewing time.  I have learned something new today- the wonders of home pickup of packages and online shipping! No more walking to the post office or wasting gas by driving. And the best thing about it now is that it is free pickup and you save 15% on shipping by using the online service. This is wonderful for me since I ship a lot of boxes for my business.

So I guess it is fitting that today's block is called Glory Boxes. Ha ha. I truly did not plan this one, it just sort of came to me. :o) This block is done and all pinks and whites. Perfect for a little girl blanket.  Wish I had more of the floral print... Oh well, c'est la vie.  This one came out really well and is fairly easily to make. I love the solid pink material which I got almost 1.5 yards of at a thrift store for only $1.Here's a good tip for all you quilters, sewers and crafters out there: check your local thrift store or yards sales for fabric. You can often find large amounts for fairly cheap. This especially good for those who just want to stock up for future projects. With all the sewing I have been doing lately I have really depleted my fabric stash. Time for me to hit the thrift stores and yard sales. (or if anyone  has fabric they would like to donate please let me know willing to barter or exchange too) I made one mistake in this block and did not realize it it was finished and ironed it all out. It does not hurt the over all look of the block though. See if you can recognize it.
Glory Boxes
One another note.. . My blog has been viewed over 320 times from 3 different continents.  How cool is that?

If you want to make this block , chick here  Glory Boxes

And don't forget to check out. Kindl's Corner 

Friday, April 20, 2012

See Saw (Block #20)

Today seems much better. Though right now I am craving Chinese food.  I've gotten a lot accomplished- finished making the Arkansas Crossroads blocks for a quilt and began assembling them together ( I have two rows done 5 more to go!) , finished mowing the other half of the yard, made the block of the day and it's only 3:00 pm. And  in other news I sold another item on esty- a quilt top that I have to finished  off.  This one is going to San Antonio. Last thing I sold went to Colorado.  It's exciting to  see where everything goes off too.  I really want to make a bulletin board with a map and pins when items are that I made go to. My website is

Today's block is called See Saw, another 12 in block. I am getting good at these triangle things! To me it looks  more like a pinwheel of sort instead of a see saw or even running feet. What do you see? I chose to do this block in all blacks for no particular reason other than use up some scraps and see how it looks using black. I have never made and all black quilt before.  I really like the fabrics and the way it turned out.   Even the picture turned out better this time.  The white background it quite striking against the black. I am liking not using solid white or cream as the background fabric. Using a different solid gives it a whole different look.

And here is the pattern link. Please, just a friendly reminder to read the terms and conditions of use for using this pattern.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shortcut to School (Block #19)

Sometimes one comes across fabric in one's collection that you just don't know where it comes from or you think why in the world did I even buy that? Such is the case today. I came across these two browns in my stash today. To  me they look like mud  (which I hear is a season the the lovely state of Maine). OK, OK I have to admit  it is nice looking mud, if mud could ever be called that.  I have never been partial to the color brown or anything brown colored, so drab and boring. I am more of a purple, blue and green person when it comes to fabrics. It is amazing, how certain colors immediately cool you down or provide rest for weary  eyes.

Today, right now my brain is all foggy and I feels the beginnings of a headache. I do so want some peace and quiet and the cool colors of green trees and the refection of a blue sky upon the water and the gentle trickle of a stream. Seeing it is night time, that can't be done. There's a part of me that can't stand not being at peace. I hate discord and sometime I am drawn into it against my will at time and I begin to think too much and overwork myself.   Perhaps it's a little bit of longing for Eden. I think deep down inside we all longing Eden. How lovely it must of been! But Eden-like environment will be restored  once again when Christ returns. In bible study we've been learning about Heaven and the New Jerusalem and what it is going to be like. God will dwell with man like he once did in the garden of Eden, permanently for all eternity. I can not wait till that day..

 I am singing with the worship team on Sunday, something I never thought would be a common occurrence. I've come a long way since being that quiet shy person in high school. We had rehearsal tonight and it was one of the few bright spots in my day. For that hour and a half all the stresses of the day were washed away.  I forget myself as I concentrate and sing praises to God.  I love it. Musics soothes and calms me like nothing else. It's funny how a lot of the songs we are singing are the very same things we have been studying in bible study.

Well anyhow back to the blocks of a quilting nature. Today's block is called Shortcut to School.  Not sure how it got it's name. But I chose the brown colors thinking that a shortcut usually means extra puddles and mud. It is a nine inch block and is simple to do. It is a well know pattern at least it is to me but I could not find any good pictures online of quilts made with this particular block. And so with out further due here is the block that I made. Sorry for the quality of  the pictures. I really need to get a new camera or strictly take pictures in natural sunlight and not at night.
 If you want to  make this block here's the pattern link:

Also I have started a Arkansas Crossroad scrap quilt. It's coming a long quite nicely. I will post pictures as soon as I am done with it. That is once nice thing I am learning by doing this quilt block project that you can't judge a quilt block by it's pattern. I always thought Arkansas Cross Roads was a plain block without much interest.

Don't forget to check out

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

North wind (Block #18)

I am at quilt block number 18 now!

Today's block is called North Wind.  For whatever reason the name of this block brings me back to New England, in Massachusetts where my Dad's family is from. My dad is from a very old New England farming family from the Boston area. It has never quite been proven but apparently we are related to the Cooke family that came over on the Mayflower in 1620. I looked up once a list of passengers on the Mayflower and I did indeed find  two people with the last name Francis and John Cooke, father and son.. I  always wondered what ever happened to the wife? Was he a widower? Did she died on the voyage over? Did he ever remarry?  After a little bit of research I found out that he was married to a Hester le Mahieu, a French woman. Who knew French ran through both sides of the family? Francis then later sent for his wife and other children in 1623 after he had  left in Holland after established himself.  The  original destination of the Mayflower was suppose to have been near present day New York City but they got off course and instead landed at Plymouth. Perhaps  it was due to a strong north wind, thus blowing them off course. And then perhaps today's block  North Wind commemorates that event. That is my own speculation, and not based upon fact.

And here's my block of North Wind, a 12 inch block.:
 I chose a brown print and a yellow fabric for this block. The yellow in the picture came out looking a little more yellow than it really is.  The block itself was easy to put together, just  it went together a little different than one would expect. I had a little trouble  with my seams they didn't seem to match up even though I cut my fabric pieces exactly right and my seams were slightly less than 1/4 inch.  So I am not sure what exactly went wrong but I like that over all appearance of this block.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Devil's Claw (Block #17)

Here we go again. Today's block is called Devil's Claw. I don't particularly like the name of this block. But it is what it is. It seems to go by several other names which I like much better, which include, Botch Handle, Lily, Des Moines,  and  Cluster of Lilies. It may also refer to a low growing South African plant Devil's Claw. The seed pod, which is scary looking,  kind of looks like the quilt block

 Devil's Claw

Seed pod of the South African  creeper Devil's Claw 

 This one was a little fussy, It went together just fine but there are a awful lot of half square triangles.  I used some Japanese/Chinese inspired fabric that came as a fat quarter set.

If you want to make this block here's the link:

Don't forget to check out where I post items i am selling.