I only assume this block is named after the song O Susannah, an American folk song written by Stephen Foster (1826-1864). A part of the song that is most familiar is below...
" I come from Alabama with my Banjo on my knee--
I’se gwine to Lou’siana my true lub for to see.
It rain’d all night de day I left, de wedder it was dry;
The sun so hot I froze to def -- Susanna, dont you cry.
Oh! Susanna, do not cry for me;
I come from Alabama, wid my Banjo on my knee......."
And here's the block I made. I apologize for the picture. It really doesn't glow green like that. I'll take a better picture tomorrow when I have natural lighting on my side. I did choose the lime green almost neon color for this one because it is the same hue as the budding trees in the spring time. I call it New Green. And new green is all over Chicago right now.
The block is very easy and came together quickly except my sewing machine kept getting all these loopy threads and I had to take it all out and sew it again. I think the thread somehow was not in the machine quite right. It is 12 1/2 inches (12 finished) in size.
The instructions to make this block can be found at. http://quilterscache.com/O/OhSusannahBlock.html
hello, could i invite u to see our new blog of music? Musique Buffet!:)